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15 Dec, 2021

The Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood organizes a workshop entitled (Childhood-Friendly Media)

In cooperation with the General Secretariat of the League of Arab states represented by the Social Affairs Sector and the Arab Council for Childhood and Development, the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood organized a workshop to spread the culture of children’s rights under the slogan (Childhood-friendly media). This workshop comes in implementation of the recommendations of the Arab Childhood Committee in its 25th session, chaired by the United Arab Emirates.

The workshop will be held in Abu Dhabi next Sunday, and it will be attended by media professionals from governmental and private media institutions, male and female students from state universities, to provide them with a knowledge background on children's rights and enable them to activate media skills to protect and care for children's rights, and to include this in messages and media programs to raise the level of awareness of community members and decision-makers about childhood issues, their rights, and protection. In addition to providing media professionals with a theoretical background on international and regional conventions on children’s rights, with a focus on the Convention on the Rights of the Child as the main reference for work, and linking all of this to the media.

The workshop also aims to educate media professionals about the effects of the Corona pandemic on children’s rights issues in an psychological and social manner, and to familiarize them with the reality and institutional structures working in the field of childhood at the national level to protect children and to invest in modern media technologies in informing public opinion about children’s rights and the ability to choose the appropriate media material for children. Additionally, motivating media professionals and building their enthusiasm towards educating and empowering themselves on children’s rights issues.

The 3-day workshop sessions, presented by a group of local and international experts, will address several topics, including the reality of the rights of child protection policies in the United Arab Emirates, professional principles for addressing child rights issues in the Arab media, media skills and ethics of child rights journalism, and a presentation of a guide to correcting terminology, concepts, and images circulating about children in the media.

The workshop will witness a ceremony honoring the winners of the Family Friendly Institutions Award for the year 2020, which is granted by the League of Arab states represented by the Social Affairs Sector, in appreciation of the distinguished efforts and initiatives undertaken by the institutions to advance family issues in the Arab region.

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