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21 Nov, 2016

Fatima Bint Mubarak Foundation for Motherhood and Childhood confirms the UAE's pioneering role with the participation of 600 senior figures

«Umm Al Emarat»: Developing the concepts of creativity in the child benefits great

Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, Mother of the Emirates, President of the General Women's Union, the Supreme President of the Family Development Foundation, the President of the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, affirmed that the UAE is under its wise leadership and since the time of the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan, , Did not limit the right of the child, provided him with education and health and all possibilities to help him to walk the right path towards the future.

HH Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development, delivered a speech in which she opened the Fatima Bint Mubarak Forum for Motherhood and Childhood. The conference was organized by the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood and was attended by 600 participants and speakers, including kings, heads of ministries, policy makers and specialists from the UAE, the region and the world, as well as representatives of civil society organizations, United Nations agencies, Arab officials, national and local government officials, elite academics and researchers, and a group of school and university students and their families.

She pointed out that this important forum is looking at the best ways to build the personality of the most important element in society and culture, which is the child, which is the future of every country that harnesses all its potential to protect and preserve it.

Sheikha Fatima explained that education is one of the essentials of life and it is imperative for every human being to gain his fortune from this inevitable necessity in life. Therefore, the forum sessions were dedicated to talking about children's education and how to devise modern ways and means to elevate it and enhance its life and scientific culture until it graduates. And takes his way towards the service of his homeland and society.

She invited the participants to devise methods and introduce modern ideas of early childhood and work to help the child to successfully overcome the first years of his life, and to realize what is around him with the mind of the yoke, and develop the concepts of innovation and creativity since childhood.

"The woman we care about first and provide all the resources to enable her in the community is responsible for raising the child and putting him on the right path, and providing all the necessary support and support from the state and society to secure the basics of life, such as education and health. The follower of the state's journey from the beginning of the union knows how it was educated, as there were only two schools in the country, not more than 100 students. Schools, universities and scientific colleges are now filling the UAE. The state includes at least 700 schools in all stages, more than 20 public and private universities and dozens of colleges, and annually has more than 30 thousand students, 70% of them female, I would like to refer to it, so that everyone knows how much education in our country is receiving the attention of good leadership and all sectors of society. "

She stressed that the UAE's greatest interest in this is the State's strategy for the National Childhood Strategy for 2017-2021, which ensures that all children enjoy their full rights to education, health, safety, protection and participation in society, pointing out that investment in the early years of the child's life brings benefits Of importance, in economic and social development. Children who have access to education and benefit from their opportunities have greater chances of succeeding in school and contributing to the benefit of society. The basics of all these skills are built in the early years of a child's life, through opportunities and living in a good environment.

Her Highness pointed out that the UAE has a leading role in supporting children in all its forms. A large number of workshops were organized during the last period on childcare, including the regional meeting organized by the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood in cooperation with the UNESCO Office and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNICEF, for experts on early childhood education and care, entitled "Early childhood in emergencies: global trends and the regional agenda", in September 2013, and the delegation of the participating State to the World Summit for Humanitarian Action Which is Aq Held in Istanbul in May last year, a round table of international partners and heads of humanitarian organizations concerned with women's and children's issues, aimed at enriching the debate and presenting proposals for the "Every Woman and Every Child Everywhere" initiative launched by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as the first Global Strategy for Women's and Children's Health In September 2015, in line with the launch and publication of sustainable development goals, the initiative aims to increase attention to the needs of mothers and children in humanitarian response and development assistance planning and to strengthen partners' commitment to continue participation.

She pointed out that the efforts of the UAE have continued to protect the child and help him to advance early.

Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak concluded by saying, "The Abu Dhabi Children's Forum in its thought, content, time and elite is a strong support for the child, because its themes are relevant and relevant to the nature of our work. Education, and government support, encouraging innovation, how to deliver education to the widest possible range of children, develop children's early age skills, their impact on the child's intelligence, develop innovative education programs, and highlight how children Tough Pat or to speak with autism, focus on early detection of these cases, treatment and how to change the concept of the child to education and make it eagerly accepts it. »

Queen Silvia, Queen of Sweden, expressed her admiration for the initiatives taken by Her Highness Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak in the field of motherhood and childhood, stressing that the establishment of the Forum on 20 November, coinciding with World Children's Day, is a celebration of all the children of the world Survival, development, protection and active participation in society, stressing that it is important to prepare a generation of courage and responsibility for the future, a generation of ideas and creativity capable of solving the challenges of the present and the future through a new color of thinking that children have an effective role in bringing about change. The Children in Forum Sessions.

"We need children just as they need us," said Queen Silvia. "We need to stimulate new ideas and innovation, because that will solve not only today's problems but tomorrow's problems.

In his speech to the forum, Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, expressed the international organization's appreciation for the great humanitarian role played by Her Highness Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak in serving and caring for children and mothers, not only at the level of the UAE but also at the regional and international levels. , Stressing that at a time when many children of the world suffer from war, poverty, disease, deprivation of education and others, such generous humanitarian initiatives of HH the «mother of the UAE», the convening of this forum.

Fatima Bint Mubarak Award for Motherhood and Childhood

The forum witnessed the launching of the Fatima Bint Mubarak Award for Motherhood and Childhood to honor the distinguished initiative in maternal health, the distinguished initiative in the field of child health, the distinguished initiative in early education, the distinguished initiative in child protection, the special initiative for mothers and children with special needs, , And the outstanding international personality in motherhood and childhood.

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) for the Arab region honored Her Highness Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak for her continuous efforts to raise the status of women and to protect children and to provide them with all the comforts, education and health.

"Her Highness Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak deserves this recognition, which is recognition by the Fund for its efforts and support for women's issues and activities," said Dr. Louay Shabana, the fund's director.

Following that, Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak presented the Fatima Bint Mubarak Award for Motherhood and Childhood to Queen Silvia for her efforts in caring for motherhood and childhood.

The second session highlighted the UAE's past and present education as a result of the achievements of our forefathers and the pioneering role of the UAE's leadership in transforming the education sector from 1971 to the present. Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi, Minister of State for Tolerance and HE Shama Al Mazrouei, HE Dr. Ali Rashid Al Nuaimi, Director General of the Abu Dhabi Education Council, and was moderated by HE Dr. Zaki Nusseibeh, Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Sheikha Lubna said that this forum seeks to establish a systematic vision of education, complete with the elements of the tracks, as a fundamental right of life, and the human rights system is complete only with it. She pointed out that attention to children is increasing through the care of education, starting with childhood, especially early childhood, and the need to strengthen the responsibility of women in raising generations and playing leadership roles in the development process.

Shama Al Mazrouei spoke about leadership in education and values, saying: "Home is united", two words summarized by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, the story of the UAE, which began 45 years ago. , In his destiny, his progress, his leadership, just like any house, based on a father and mother, and bless us God and blessed us with good and good father or daughter of this house, the late Sheikh Zaid bin Sultan, may God be pleased with him, and HH Sheikh Fatima Bint Mubarak, thank God for this blessing The investment of the mother of Vienna was a good investment in education. "

Dr. Ali Rashid Al Nuaimi said: "Education in the UAE is supported by a well-known leadership that recognizes its importance. The late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may God bless him and grant him peace, laid the foundation for education. Her Highness Sheikha Fatima stood by him to encourage women to learn. "He pointed out that the UAE society has three challenges to education in the future, namely moral education. This initiative was launched by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and will be implemented in the coming academic year.

At the third session, which discussed empowerment factors and the role of parents in the development of innovation and creativity in children, experts gathered that parents of children play a major role in developing the innovation and creativity of their children, especially in their early years.

Dr. Lamia Mohsen, dean of the Faculty of Medicine at New Giza University, said that the early years of the child's life are crucial not only to the individual's health and growth, but also to his cognitive, social and emotional development.

She emphasized that innovation is a homogenous mix of personal qualities, abilities and skills in which the starting point is to explore and promote the child's own interests.

21 million views of Fatima Bint Mubarak Forum for Motherhood and Childhood

The Fatima Bint Mubarak Forum for Motherhood and Childhood marked 21 million views, shortly after it was launched on Twitter. The Forum is organized under the patronage of Her Highness Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak, President of the General Women's Union, Supreme President of the Family Development Foundation, President of the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood.


UAE children demand ministries to innovate and reduce school time

A group of Emirati children called for the establishment of a ministry of children, similar to the Ministry of Youth, to address children's issues in the country, their aspirations and dreams, as well as the creation of ministries of innovation and heritage.

A number of them called for reducing the school hours to four hours only, with time to perform school duties, spreading the idea of ​​children's centers in Sharjah at the state level, and the development of centers and sports clubs for females.

The session included the participation of 35 Emirati children who discussed the role of parents, schools and society in honing their creativity and innovation. They reviewed some of the demands as important in their opinion. Among them were Mazna Amiri, the youngest Emirati poet and the youngest scholar, Adeeb Al Balushi. With the media, Ibrahim Khmeri of Majid channel for children.

"My goal is to change society's view of compassion to appreciation and admiration for people with disabilities, especially those with special needs who have aspirations, goals and dreams that they can achieve with determination and determination," said Zaher al-Muhairi, a positive ambassador.

Fatima Al-Kaabi reviewed her success story as the UAE's youngest inventor with a total of 12 inventions, revealing two new inventions, the Smart Leash and a Robot for Children, pointing out that her wish is to create a Ministry of Innovation and be a future Minister of State for Innovation. The inventor of the small Emirati, Adib Balushi, talked about his inventions, including the medical shoe and safety belt, which sends messages to parents, police and ambulance in the event of a driver accident, revealing a new invention works to change the concept of transport on the ground, Shuaa Zayed », will be a surprise and a qualitative leap.

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