16 Mar, 2014
Reem Al Falasi: National Strategy for Motherhood and Childhood to be launched soon in the UAE
The Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, Secretary General, H.E. Rym Abdullah Al Falasy, has reaffirmed that the Council seeks to coordinate and develop its activities in association with international organizations; the most important of which is UN organizations and agencies that are concerned with motherhood and childhood issues. The main goal of doing that is to improve the life of Emirati children starting from the early childhood.
During the participation of the UAE delegation in the activities of the UN Commission on the Status of Women during the period of March 10-21, 2014 at the UN headquarters in New York, Al Falasi reviewed the journey of the Council that was established in 2003 under a federal decree issued by the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. This was the result of an initiative launched by Her Highness Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak, Chairwoman of the General Women’s union (GWU), President of the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood (SCMC), Supreme Chairwoman of the Family Development Foundation (FDF) in 2002. Based upon such initiative, H.H. called for working on the national level to uphold the role of mothers to prepare and raise Emirati generations that are capable of national giving, increasing the attention to childhood, caring for successive generations of children rights and fostering moral values that represent status of mothers and their role in the Emirati society.
Child’s Safety
H. E. Reem Al Falasi has explained that the goals of the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood that is chaired by H. H. Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak primarily focus on enhancing level of attention, care and follow-up of motherhood and childhood issues. The Council also seeks to provide the related necessary support in all areas, especially in learning, cultural, health, social, psychological, and educational domains. In addition, it endeavours to provide protection, safety and security for both mothers and children, and monitor and assess development and development plans that are concerned with improving the aspired welfare and wellbeing for the Emirati society. Above all, it attempts to promote studies and researches and disseminate comprehensive cultures for motherhood and childhood.
Child Protection
The Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood has also pointed out that the Council has recently sought in liaison with a number of specialized national agencies, entities and ministries as well as civil society organizations and international organizations to implement a number of key schemes and initiatives that are concerned with developing child protection, care and skills from early childhood. This includes but not limited to United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
National Strategy
H. E. Reem Al Falasi has also revealed that the Council is currently working on launching a national strategy for motherhood and childhood soon in cooperation with the General Women’s union, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the concerned local and federal bodies in the UAE and civil society organizations. This is done in accordance with the best international standards for the purpose of enhancing the Council’s role on local and international level in developing national policies and improving the existing practices related to early childhood. This includes offering tools and mechanisms for upgrading childhood education and care quality, and exchange of relevant experiences and expertises in such a manner that could secure the child right to care, growth, survival, protection and welfare.
Furthermore, H. E. Reem Al Falasi has discussed with the UAE delegation members to UN, the ways and means of developing the Council operation relationship with UN professional agencies and organizations. This could effectively and actively contribute to utilizing the latest international applications, practices, experiences and conventions released by UN so that they can be reflected upon national practices with the aim of promoting the Emirati child issues and motherhood affairs in general.